Refund Policy

We want you to love the products that you buy from us. In case you are not satisfied with your purchase, drop us a mail within 2 days of delivery with details at with “Returns and Replacement” as a subject and we will get back to you

In case you received the wrong item.

Drop us an email at or call us at +1 209 6668486 within 2 days of the date of delivery. Our Customer delight team will resolve it at the earliest. 

In case you received a damaged item.

Drop us an email with your order id and the picture of the damaged product at or call at +1 209 6668486 within 2 days of the date of delivery. Our customer delight team will help you with your queries and resolve them at the earliest.

In case you simply did not like an item.

Drop us an email at  or call at +1 209 6668486. Our customer delight team will help you with your queries and resolve them within 24 hours. 

In case you need to cancel your order.

You can cancel an order within 3 hours of placing the order.

Shipping charges on purchase.

We offer FREE Shipping on all orders above Rs.395, which is notified from time to time. We also offer Free Cash-On-Delivery. You should consider the shipping rates shown at the time of check-out to be final.

Conditions where a product can be returned or refunded:

  • Wrong product delivered
  • Expired product delivered
  • Damaged product delivered – Physical damage/ tampered product or packaging (If you receive a Tampered or Damaged product, please inform our Customer Care within 24 hours of receipt, with supporting Images and Video, so we can address your concern at the earliest).
  • Incomplete order – missing products


Conditions where refund/return requests will not be processed

  • Opened/ used/ altered products.
  • Original packaging (mono cartons, labels, etc.) missing.
  • The return/ replacement request is generated after 7 days from the date of delivery.
  • The damaged/ missing product is reported after 2 days from the date of delivery.
  • Any orders placed during the offer period, valid across all products available on the website, will not be entertained for cancellations, returns & refunds

Note: In case of unforeseen circumstances, the brand reserves full rights to void the shipment and process a refund in case of the applicable order.

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