Shipping and Delivery

Purchases are shipped from our respective warehouse by reputed logistics service providers.

All domestic orders are processed within 1 business day (except for Public Holidays & Sundays). You can expect delivery of the order within 3-5 business days

Shipping Charges
We ship products throughout India and all orders qualify for free domestic and international shipping.

We strive to live with compassion, kindness and empathy

At our corporation, it's not just about selling high-quality essential oils but also about positively impacting the world around us. That's why we treat our customers, employees, and partners with respect and tenderness.

100% Pure Extract

We assure a static purity standard, meaning our herbal extracts are 100% pure and free of artificial, synthetic, or perfume elements.

85% Satisfied Patients

With an impressive 85% satisfaction rate that speaks volumes about our commitment to your well-being.

1,20,000+ Patients Cured

A testament to our unwavering commitment to restoring well-being through exceptional care and innovative treatments.

"One of my friends consulted Dr. Megha for hair loss. After seeing her results, I also visited Dr. Megha Chaturvedi and got wonderful results for postpartum hair fall."